Walter Reed Xmas Party 2019

WR XMAS 2019-9-Santa wide shot

For the last 15 years or so, Captain “Woody” Woodall, retired Raleigh, NC, Fire Captain and President of Camp4Heroes, has put on a Christmas party at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center (WRNMMC).  Adopt-a-Soldier Platoon has been a major sponsor of that party for years.  Helping AaSP with financial and gift donations are Unilever’s Military Sales and Tax Teams; OritaniBank Charitable Foundation; Grace First United Methodist Church of Wyckoff, NJ; and the ADA Foundation in Fair Lawn.  The Washington Redskins Cheerleaders have also been a steadfast supporter of these parties with AaSP.

Santa came from the FDNY (Fire Department of NYC) and handed out gifts to the children of patients in the hospital and a hot and cold buffet was arranged by Captain Woody and served to the patients and their families.  It was a great party.  Small teams also went on the wards and visited with patients.