From the FRONT: 18 Feb

USSGRAVELY_in action

A wonderful email today (with redactions we make for security purposes) that is at the heart of what we do – Improve the Morale of Our Troops :

“My apologies for not responding as of yet.  I would like to start off by thanking you for your graciousness to service members everywhere.  I know that the care packages will be well received and not a moment too soon by the crew as we start our 5th month of deployment and 4th month in the Red Sea.  The crew is still motivated and resilient ready to execute all missions tasked.

Thank you for reaching out to us on  (Name redacted), the finest destroyer in the fleet! (Info redacted) Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyer that was built to fight!

Our Commanding Officer CDR (name redacted), and Executive Officer CDR (name redacted) have already expressed their gratitude to me for your email.  As I am sure that all of you know far too well being deployed away from home and our families is extremely tough but knowing that we have your support at foundations like Adopt-a-Soldier Platoon, makes things better.  Thank you, again for your selfless generosity!

I myself have been in just shy of 25 years and getting emails like yours fill my heart with renewed patriotism and pride.

Thank you kindly.

CMDCM (FMF/SW/AW/IW) Tim B (last name redacted)
Command Master Chief”