From the FRONT: 23 FEB


We just got this great email which was sent to our great Benefactor, Goya Foods:

To the people of Goya Foods,
I wanted to drop you a note the extend my heartfelt thanks for the contributions you make to Adopt-a-Soldier Platoon.
Serving out here in the deserts of Kuwait is quite an experience…we all miss our homes, our loved ones, and our great nation in general.
These Care Packages mean so much to us, and your contributions are truly appreciated.   I cannot begin to explain the delight that these packages create when mail
comes in for our unit and our soldiers see these boxes.   They bring true joy and happiness to all of us out here so far from home.
I have enclosed some photos of my comrades with smiles and many thanks.   Thank you.   Respectfully,  -John