From the FRONT: 29 Dec


“My name is Matty and I’m a Navy physician working on a task force in (redacted). I’ve been traveling a lot around the continent and recently got back from (redacted) – just in time to see that I had a Christmas present from you!

I wanted to say thank you for the overly generous gifts; these packages are always so thoughtful but I’ve never received a personalized Christmas present on one of them before. Naturally, I spread the wealth and gave a lot of the candy and snacks to my Sailors. But we put the speaker up in our medical space so we can all appreciate music this New Years. And the gift card is so generous – thank you so much. You have made an otherwise lonely Christmas much warmer. I really hope you were able to enjoy the holidays yourself as well.

I work on a small special operations base and we’re not allowed to take pictures anywhere on base here – so the best I can do is attach some random pictures of my time out here. Please let me know if there’s anything else I can do to thank you and everyone else involved. Happy New Year!

Very Respectfully, Matty”

(One of our Xmas gift buyers from “Lara’s Crew,” a group of friends one of our Trustees gathers every year, just got this great email from one of our Adoptees!).