From the FRONT: 27 July

“Adopt-a-Soldier Platoon Volunteers and Sponsors,
My Soldiers and I would like to thank you for your generous donation of gifts and time to send us care packages. We greatly appreciate the packages, as our current location is austere, and we have limited access to many familiar American products. Mail day is a high point for all our Soldiers, because – even if a Soldier is not getting a package or letter from friends or family – they know there will be a few care packages from your organization and others like it for their company.
As a commander, it is great to see the joy brought by these packages to my Soldiers. Whenever I notify my Soldiers that a care package has arrived from Adopt-a-Soldier Platoon, my Soldiers immediately swarm the company to see what gifts and treats have come in and the box is empty within ten minutes. Attached are pictures of many of my Soldiers after distributing out the treats, gifts, and hygiene products.
Thank you again for your continued support of our Soldiers, the United States Army, and our Nation. Very Respectfully, CPT P”