WR XMAS 2019-9-Santa wide shot

Walter Reed Xmas Party 2019

For the last 15 years or so, Captain “Woody” Woodall, retired Raleigh, NC, Fire Captain and President of Camp4Heroes, has put on a Christmas party at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center (WRNMMC).  Adopt-a-Soldier Platoon has been a major sponsor of that party for years.  Helping AaSP with financial and gift donations are Unilever’s Military […]


Lara’s Xmas Pack

Every year, Lara Spina, one of our Trustees, gathers her friends and they buy Christmas presents for our Adoptees.  This year was no different and we had quite a selection of goodies to box up and send to our brave Men and Women serving overseas. The boxes were repackaged “as is” into corrugated cartons (with […]


2019 Holiday Pack

Another great Holiday Pack (Thanksgiving/Christmas) was held on 19 November at the Unilever warehouse in Cresskill, NJ.  In addition to the Adopt-a-Soldier Platoon volunteers, a team from Just Born Confections, one of AaSP’s Benefactors, came from Bethlehem, PA, to help in the packing festivities.  Over 300 boxes were assembled with care and sent off to […]


From the FRONT: 23 Dec

Dave, Nora, Connor and Ziggy,

Thank you so much for your generous Christmas Box. We received it today (23 Dec) just in time for Christmas, following a tough week out at our location. The items provided have definitely “given us a boost” in a major way and has already provided some much needed comforts of home and Christmas spirit.
A little about us – We are a 6 person  Ground Surgical Team.   We provide far forward/austere damage control trauma surgery to the folks doing the operations.   “Dirt Medicine.”   In a nut shell, we bring life saving care as close as possible to those fighting on the front lines.   We are currently out “somewhere” in Southwest Asia that is pretty remote.   There is nothing around our outpost for tens of miles, not even a tree.   Our outpost is so small we don’t even have a store to buy personal effects or goodies from so we rely on packages from amazing people like you.   We are just recovering from an event that left our small team caring for an injured soldier for several days, 24 hours a day- admittedly we were pretty drained from the all nighters and little sleep; the Christmas spirit was low.   Finding the wrapped package among all those snowman peeps really put our team back into the holiday spirit.    We have hung Connor’s snowman drawing on the wall of our med facility so those we treat can also see his message of gratitude. 4 of our team have small children at home and they really appreciated it.
It is people like you that keep us going and remind us why we are fighting and for what we are fighting for. From the bottom of our hearts, Thank You.    I hope every one of your family and friends has a wonderful holiday season, as you have certainly made ours.   – Devin
P.S:  pictures are frowned upon so I couldn’t take one of the whole team, but I wanted to send something back to show we got it.    I’ve already broke open the Toblerone and chocolate pretzel’s!

From the FRONT: 14 Dec

I am wanting to let you know how much you, your care package goodies, and your note are appreciated.   You obviously have a well organized drive!     I really appreciated the coconut water!

For the past month a large part of everyday for me has been given to care package receiving and dispersal.    Many boxes get handed out intact.    Even more get opened, sorted, and then dispersed from our chapel via people coming into the chapel and getting what they want, others that don’t attend chapel stop by our porch for coffee, hot chocolate and “goodies”.    Your boxes got a lot of “oohs and ahs” from those helping me when I opened it.

Most of your cards disappeared within 4 days.    There might be more, but the card area is kind of a mess at the moment, hence the hard job comment.    The stockings are received with a deep appreciation of the effort put into them.

I hope your Thanksgiving was a day of just that.    I hope you were surrounded by loved ones.    I chose to eat lunch with some Afghani vendors instead of the huge spread at the Chow hall.    I sat on the floor of the shop with them and ate from a large bowl of rice with my right hand.  I trust my Heavenly Father to take care of the germs!

I have attached a photo from today of a small group of soldiers from one of our worship services.    I am sorry there are no boxes in the photo.    I had to move three tables for the photo.    Be assured, there were care package items on two of them.   (The tables were in too much disarray for the photo op. )    But, your goods made into very appreciative hands and mouths!

Merry Christmas!   Please inform all those that contributed, “HOOAH!”  They are Great!



From the FRONT: 21 Nov

First, I wanted to extend my appreciation from myself and the whole Unit Ministry Team down here in (location redacted) for your care package. We did receive the first “Test” box and it was a wonderful treat for us and the Soldiers down here. It’s been pretty busy over here, but I was able to get a picture of some of the Soldiers your care package helped make a better day for. We are all still adjusting to being away from home and knowing someone is thinking about us helps make it easier.

Again, we appreciate what the Adopt-a Soldier Platoon, Inc does when it comes to working with service members.

Thank you,   Jordan.


From the FRONT: 16 NOV

I just want to thank you amazing folks for all the support and great care packages throughout our deployment. We are going to be leaving and rotating back home soon (which we are all excited about)!!! I just wanted to drop a note and photo of our team for you guys to share amongst the organization to put a face to (unit name redacted).

I’ll be giving the inbound team your information, if you are ok with it. They are coming out of (location redacted).

I hope you and your families have a Happy Thanksgiving and a Merry Christmas!! v/r Francisco, FOB Nunyer


From the FRONT: 9 NOV

I just wanted to send a personal thanks from myself, my team and our patients for your support and donation out here at (unit redacted). We have already handed out or consumed roughly 120 cups of coffee with the Keurig you sent us, and the projector will be used for many movie nights/to help paint our patch on the front fence. The candy has been divided among different shops and we sent a box forward with candy, some of the food bars and toys to (another) location to assist in the humanitarian aid mission and to help the kids they see. I am waiting on the mail folks to come around (we haven’t seen them in a month) so we can send mail out. I’ve attached a few pictures and will send more as time permits… We are limited on where we can take photos unfortunately, but I am sure we can make it happen!

Again, thank you so much, you have drastically improved our morale and situation. Truly appreciated. People like you and your team remind us of why we are out here, and it makes me even more proud to be an American knowing people such as yourself are behind us.

Sincerely, Devin, FOB Nunyer

From the FRONT: 21 Oct

(name redacted)’s unit returned home, but we were able to open your package.  We’re the (unit redacted) out of (town, State redacted).  I’ve seen the previous packages you sent to (name redacted) and I wanted to say thank you for your support.  You put together a wonderful organization and in my opinion have the BEST […]